Wednesday, May 20, 2009 @ 6:49 PM
Yo people .
I'll be updating this dead blog . It's been dead for a long time and it's time to be alive . K that was lame . Ouh ya , remember the promises that were made before our SYF ? Yupyup i think you do . AND guess what , we are going to Jogjakarta . Wohoo . It will be a fun want i tell you . And we will be going on 22nd may . Must be at the airport by 8am sharp . Bring along whatever that is required . Even tons and tons of clothing . As what that we had been told just now , we can choose our own roommates . So go choose now before it's gone .
Do remember to bring all the necessary details that should be given to me days before . Die die must bring by tomorrow and please be reminded that there will be a short meeting on this saturday , 23rd May in school at 2pm . Do come with your parents . And enquiries about the trip , you can ask on the next meeting . Thank you !
Love ,
Ani :)